On Friday April 15, MNDR played to a packed house at the Brooklyn Museum, the first show for the season’s Audiophile Series. Poised in the spacious, modern glass entrance atop a freshly built stage with her trademark light projections, MNDR’s set included a stripped down “I Go Away,” new single “Cut Me Out,” and a first-time performance of “Broken Hearts.” The audience enjoyed a complimentary vodka hour and an opening set by New Villager, engulfed in the captivating setting of art in its many forms.
Click below for a live video of the new song “Broken Hearts” from the show (Brooklyn Vegan has titled it “Cry”):
MNDR – Broken Hearts – New Song – Brooklyn Museum – 4/15/11 by brooklynvegan
Scroll for photos from the event. More photos can be seen on these sites:
Prefix Magazine
Brooklyn Vegan